SAMRA Accredited Interviewer Application

SAMRA Survey Interviewer Accreditation Application


Maximum file size: 516MB

About You

Given name/s
Given name/s
Note: we ask this because we have to report to the South African government about this
Select the option that best describes you for each of the following:
No difficulty
Some difficulty
A lot of difficulty
Cannot do at all
Cannot yet be determined
May be part of multiple difficulties (to be determined)
May have difficulty (to be determined)
Former difficulty – none now

Contact Details

Physical address where you are currently living
Physical address where you are currently living
Postal address to send accreditation documentation to
Postal address to send accreditation documentation to

Qualifications and Experience

Maximum file size: 15MB

Please upload a certified copy of your Secondary School (Matric/Year 12) completion certificate, if applicable AND other highest completed qualification if applicable.
0 of 500 max words

Maximum file size: 5MB

Please upload a certified copy of the proof that you have completed the Foundational Learning Component
How much knowledge do you have about the following?
Very little knowledge
Some knowledge
Very knowledgeable
Principles of marketing research
Interviewing principles
Research ethics
How well can you do the following?
I cannot do much of this
I can do part of this
I can do most of this
Identify pre-described target respondents
Plan and manage interview schedules and resources
Select research participants for interviews
Negotiate access to participants
Interview participants telephonically, using a paper-based system
Interview participants telephonically, using a computer-based system
Interview participants face-to-face, using pen-and-paper
Interview participants face-to-face, using a digital device
Report-back on interview progress
How experienced are you at the following in a research workplace?
Very little experience
Some experience
Very experienced
Participation in project briefing sessions
Planning procedures for scheduling interviews
Completing interview questionnaires
Complying with reporting procedures

Agreements to Terms and Conditions

By submitting this accreditation application I certify that:
The information included in this application is authentic, true and correct.
I have read and I understand the SAMRA Accredited Interviewer criteria.
I will abide by the SAMRA Survey Interviewers Code of Conduct.
I will ensure payment of any fees due to SAMRA.
I understand that this application will expire after 30 days from date of submission if incomplete and/or application fees are not paid. The application fee will remain payable.
I understand that once an application has expired, a new application will have to be submitted for approval, and a new application fee will become payable.
I have uploaded a certified copy of my identity document
I have uploaded a certified copy of my highest qualification
I have uploaded a certified copy of my Statement of Results from a QCTO accredited Skills Development Provider
I have uploaded a certified copy of my Proof of Completion of the Foundational Learning Competence component